Command Centres with Social Media Data
Command centres can be a valuable addition to a department or office area that wants to get real time social media updates. One of the reasons why social media command centres work is because:
“People process visuals 60,000x faster than words“
However, what are the business reasons for having one? It does not matter if it is just one large screen and not a collection of four, six, or eight. A key success factor is having at least two experts that can manage the hardware. The RIGHT SKILLS!
Competitive intelligence
Are you tracking what your competitors post about or what your customers are saying and doing with your competitors?
Learn what customers think of you
A helicopter view on what customers think about your brand is valuable. In social media terms, it can be measured and shown in real time on live command centre displays.
Uncover important trends
First movers taking advantage of what is trending for their target audience will gain a valuable lead on their competitors
Chart your thought leadership
Do you consider yourself to be a thought leader? Social media can be an enabler for success. The key is to use content marketing in a focused way towards your target group.
Discover valuable influencers
There are many specialist social media programs for influencer discovery. However, imagine creating a command centre visualization that shows the people or organisations that are the most talked about and generate the most engagement. This is key insight for your business,
What will you do with your social media command centre? Food for thought?